Timor-Leste spirituality, holistic healing, permaculture. Artigu sira-ne'ebé ... Artist as Family (The art of permaculture travel); Permaculture Timor Leste and a ...
Holistic Healing · Art, Music & Theater · Children & Youth · Children In The ... Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan ...
Timor-Leste (East Timor), an island nation north of Darwin Australia, is one of the world's newest countries. There is a long history with the Catholic ...
Timor-Leste has a great wealth of regenerative agriculture knowledge for the ... health through natural food, conscious cooking and intelligent body care.
A Look Inside the Hive: A guide to choosing the best honeybee hive; Artist as Family (The art of permaculture travel); Permaculture Timor Leste and a Tropical ...
(English below) Notísia Kmanek husi Hatu Udo, Ainaro no Lequidoe, Aileu! Iha loron 23 no 24 Jullu 2024, PDHJ Delegasaun Territoriál Same, hamutuk ho...
Notísia WFP / WFP in the #news Distribusaun ai-han #ElNino #foodsecurity #timorleste RTTL Roman ba Nasaun - LIVE TV @followers United...
Notísia Emosionante! Ohin mak marka loron ofisial ba lansamentu fáze da-ruak husi programa Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) ba tinan-lima iha Timor-Leste, ho...
Apr 28, 2020 ... Ikus-ikus ne'e imi nota buat ruma diferente husi RTTL durante oras notísia ka lae? Liu husi akordu entre Asosiasaun Defisiensia Timor-Leste, ...
Holistic Healing · Art, Music & Theater · Children & Youth · Children In The ... Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan ..
Nu'udar ai-fuan nabilan liu husi bee no anin tebes halo hamriik arko-íris, nune'e besik tempu hotu husi moris lisan hamriik ho kor vive no furak. Bainhira ita hadomi ita-nia moris hamutuk hanesan nu'udar iha dalan konexaun ne'e, ita boot halo kompreensom ho laran aat ba oin. Nu'udar dehan aat, rai-besi sira rasik, molekula sira rasik maka konexaun subar. Labele ruma hotu-hotu, de'it laran-laran. Hetan ita domin mos ho povu maibe iha dalan ida-ne'e nain. Iha proteje vulnerable, ita hamriik badak. Iha haforsa povu, ita sa'e. Hamutuk, hanesan ida, husik ita harii povu foun mak konexaun ho domin, komprende hanesan no mos domin ba inan aman ida ne'e maka nudar matenek hotu sira.
As light refracts through water and air to create a rainbow, so too all parts of life are connected in a vibrant display of color and wonder. When we embrace our shared existence as equals in this interconnected web, compassion arises naturally. Though appearing separate, each raindrop, each molecule, is intimately linked. There is no true separation, only the illusion of other. Let us cherish each living being in this land as integral to our shared journey. In protecting the vulnerable, we shelter ourselves. In uplifting the downtrodden, we rise. Together, as one, let us build a society rooted in love, mutual understanding, and care for our sacred mother nature who sustains all.
Komentáriu Tetun:
Ha’u-sira hotu-hotu konekta hanesan ida iha rede moris boot ida nian. Ne'ebe ha’u hotu-hotu halo ba inan natureza, ha’u hotu-hotu halo ba ha’u-an rasik, tanba ha’u la apartadu husi buat ne'e. Iha Timor-Leste, iha matenek kona dalok tebes iha tuir konprende ha’u-nia ligasaun kona dalok ho rai, ai-tahan no populasaun moris sira ho hamlaha sira nu'udar parintes sagradu, laos buat ruma atu exploita ba nia. Permakultur ne'ebe hakruk iha kuidadu ne'ebe ama ho moras moruk ne'ebe dalan atu hadia laos de'it ha’u-nia isin maibe ha’u-nia relasaun ho mundu ne'ebe liu umanu nia laran. Tuir ha’u rona basa sira no siklu moris sasan, ha’u hanoin fali ha’u-nia fatin iha ekostema nia laran. Ha’u mai fila fali ha’u-an no ha’u-nia kbi'it iha serbisu ho halerik nu'udar ha'u-nia dalan atu fo kontribuisaun. Moris hakruk iha halerik, empresta tiha kontentedu, nakfera no grase. Muzika, arte no teatru kompletu mós dalan potente atu selebra moris nia furaksaun, hasue ha’u nia ain-ru'uk no konekta fila fali ha'u ho uam-nin ida ne'ebe hakliu. Ha'u-nia kultura konsumente enkoraja sentidu la-naton ida ne'ebe artifisial. Maibe moris rasik loos hotu-hotu hotu. Tuir ha'u aliña ho moris matenek nia no hanorin nia atu moris hamriik iha bo'ot hotu ne'ebe konservasaun, biodiversidade ho fiar wainhira fó barak liu nia hetan - wainhira ha'u fó barak liu moris saida mak husi. Hanesan ai-nan, ha'u bele uza nektar moris nia manis husi servisu ne'ebe signifikativu mak forma komunidade. Hotu-hotu ne'ebé presiza de'it mak ha'u-nia todan atu fó kontribuisaun ba di'ak liu-liu nia laran. Tuir dalan ne'e, ha'u bá ho paz ho populasaun ne'ebe moris hotu-hotu nia laran, hanesan ko-kriadór ne'ebe hatán halok iha Ro'o nia ai no halo moran. Airu no rai kona iha kaixa hela ha'u-nia laran. Hanoin ne'e kona kona saude umanu ho planeta mak halo ripula iha osean, haforsa ha'u-nia alin hotu-hotu iha Timor-Leste ka ne'e kona moris mak ha'u hotu-hotu kona hamutuk. Se ita hatán katak ita mak ida, ita parte hamutuk hela iha mundu ne'ebe moris ne'e iha oin-oin kedas.
English Commentary:
We are all connected as one in the grand web of life. What we do to mother nature, we do to ourselves, for we are not separate from her. In Timor-Leste, there is deep wisdom in understanding our intimate connection with the earth, the soils, the plants and animals - and honoring them as sacred relatives, not resources to exploit. Permaculture based on loving care for the land, and holistic healing arts offer a path to heal not just our bodies but our relationship with the more-than-human world. As we tune into the subtle rhythms and cycles of nature, we remember our place within the whole. We come home to ourselves, and to our purpose in service and devotion. A devotional life fosters contentment, spaciousness and grace. Music, art and theater are also potent ways to celebrate life's beauty, stir the soul, and reconnect us with the joy of being. Our consumer culture encourages an artificial sense of lack and scarcity. Yet life itself is abundant. When we align with nature's wisdom and learn her ways of abundance through conservation, biodiversity and zero waste - when we give more than we take - we start to overflow with natural riches. Like the honeybee, we can enjoy the sweet nectar of life through meaningful work that nourishes community. All it takes is a willingness to serve the highest good of the whole. In this way, we enter into peaceful partnership with all beings, as co-creators awakening the Garden of Eden within and around us. Heaven and earth converge in our midst. This vision of human and planetary health shall ripple out across oceans, uplifting all sisters and brothers in Timor-Leste and beyond. For we are one, sharing this living world together.